Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sand Basing in progress

as i said a while ago i have been basing my ork army with just plain sand. its actually pretty cool. and according to my post on the miniwargaming forum its actually not that bad of an idea. pictures to follow soon.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

one of the best songs ever written

if you really want to listen to one the greatest songs ever written look no further than "Where is the Love?" by the Black Eyed peas. Its just so true. its an epic song and everyone should listen to.

watching random funny youtube videos.....

its more fun than you know...........

Monday, August 16, 2010

f$#@ing suspense!!

i absouloutly HATE it when i get the coolset computer game and it takes f#@%ing FOREVER to download!! aaaarg! it better be worth it....i hate surprises

Learned something new....

as i was trying to get my 1000 pt army painted and ready to go for my next tournament, i suddenly realised I didnt have enough black paint. so i figured i wouldnt be anle to base my models. then i had a great idea. just putting glue on the base and then dipping in sand looks as great as if i wouldve used my other method(the same thing just paint the san black drybrush boltgun metal then detail a few rocks w/ mithril). it almost looks realistic. it works, try it.